Clean Underwear and Hard Times
I think my mom would have made a deal with the devil for one of these in 1947. She didn’t get one, nor anything else of the sort until around 1957, but I don’t recall her washing clothes in a washtub...
View ArticleWhite Trash Repairs – The Dumpster Telescope
The Salvation Army Thrift Store, July 2009 Tube, flange and swivel – Salvation Army Thrift store – July 2009. No eyepieces, broken tripod. Looked too much like junk to find a willing buyer. It’s been...
View ArticleHelicopters and Orange Jump Suits
A couple of years ago I came across a profoundly orange jumpsuit in a thrift-store clearance sale, which I picked off at a righteous price. It’s the sort worn by students of jailhouse academies in a...
View ArticleCornering the Umbrella Market in a Drought
Compulsive personality. That’s the only possible explanation I can think of for this recurring pattern in my life. Today I had to go into Harper to pay a bill due tomorrow. I hate to make a trip in...
View ArticleUpside Down Thrift Store Horse Trading
This 24/7 music to keep owls from killing my guineas at night [ White Trash Repairs and Fixes – Owls and Rock ‘n Roll ] is hard on audio equipment. A while back I was without music to confuse the...
View ArticleA Few Noticings in Town
The sign and that line of people outside the building suggests the Christians in Washington mightn’t have anything in common with regular old actual Christians of the old actual Christianity faith. I...
View ArticleShaving with sheep shears
I don’t get to town all that often, so I naturally like to put on the dog, spiff myself up a bit. Sometimes that includes shaving, but I’ve found the average electric just doesn’t do the job. Add to...
View ArticleFood, Books and Other town stuff
FOOD: There’s an all-you-can-eat pizza joint where you get all the salad you want, a drink and a selection of all kinds of pizza slices as many times as you go back for them and as many kinds as you...
View ArticleBat in the bug light and other big news and events
Evidently a bat got confused and got snagged in the buglight instead of coming into the cabin to fly around as they usually do. Every m0rning the chickens feast under that light as soon as I turn them...
View ArticleWeird Thrift Store Haul
I don’t have a clue what this thing was originally intended to do. Neither did the people running the Salvation Army Thrift Store. I watched the value reflected in the price tag for about six weeks...
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